Father Roy B. Campbell, SJ

JANUARY 23: We remember The Very Reverend Father Roy B. Campbell, SJ (1920-January 23, 1977) whom has died and gone before us with the sign of Faith.
“THE VERY REVEREND FATHER ROY CAMPBELL, SJ (1920-1977)–Class of 1936 – St George’s College. Educator, Coach, Sports Editor, Writer, Orator, Scholar, and Jesuit Priest.
An indefatigable teacher and Sportsmaster at St. George’s College, coach of Walker Cup winners Kingston Technical High School, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Kingston and Pastor of Pius X and St. Jude’s Churches, he was often referred to as ‘the Jamaican Fulton Sheen’ in recognition of his superb oratory. His many writings and public speeches sought to awaken social conscience to the needs of the poor whom he served tirelessly. The Alpha 59ers also claim him as their beloved mentor who strove to form them into ‘The Perfect Catholic Girl’. “~ Excerpt from St. George’s College Florida Alumni website announcement of The Very Reverend Father Roy B. Campbell’s 2008 induction into the STGC Hall of Fame
“Fr. Roy B. Campbell was a bear-like man, with a remarkable knowledge of football. Having played under several football coaches during his playing days, the author of this article (unknown), was fortunate to have trained under Fr. Roy. The mechanics, basics and strategy of the game should be nailed down at an early age and at 15 years old it was pretty late for achieving this, but Fr. Roy’s ability as a coach clearly aided many of us in making up for lost time. He was in a class by himself in terms of his appreciation of the game, his ease in imparting minute tactics and intricacies and actually coaching; he was the best of several coaches, hands down, then and now!
As soon as the squad was able to carry out his instructions on a drill or pattern he would introduce new ones always with the exhortation of ‘No back passing’ to underscore the importance of attacking football. Many at StGC were convinced that he had a winning team in 1955, but the polio scare canceled our season; we won the Manning Cup the following year with a less talented team, after Fr. Roy had coached it for most of that year but was replaced by Arthur McKenzie.
Maybe he knew I couldn’t afford new football boots, or he recognized ‘something’ in me, but a week after school opened in September 1956, Fr. Roy presented me with a new pair of Adidas boots, the high flyer of the day. As a man of vowed poverty, he must have used up his coach’s budget, or begged a friend for the donation, or scraped up from his meager Jesuit allowance, or received a huge discount from Pancho Rankine for those expensive boots. When I tried to thank him in his basement office in Emmett Hall, he laughed that deep laugh of his and ran me out of his office with a ‘get out of here and go play football.’ Great flair to say the least. And great love. Needless to say that as soon as I donned those ‘Adidas’, I became fleet of foot.”~ Excerpt from St. George’s College Old Boys’ Association, Ontario Chapter Good & True website.
While serving as the Pastor of St Pius X Church, Cockburn Gardens in the Three Miles area of St Andrew, Father Roy B Campbell, SJ died suddenly of a heart attack one Sunday morning on January 23, 1977.
The Father Roy B. Campbell Health Centre located at 10 Olympic Way, Kingston 11, Jamaica, WI bears his name.
Hear us, O merciful Father, as we remember in love Very Reverend Father Roy B. Campbell, SJ whom we have placed in your hands. Acknowledge, we pray, sheep of your own fold, lamb of your own flock, sinner of your own redeeming. Enfold him in the arms of your mercy, in the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and in the glorious company of the saints in light.