The Goals and Objectives include the following:
- Goals
- Objectives
- Programme Event
1. To respond to the demand of needy students and continue with social welfare programme in order to give equal opportunities to our students and to realize the aim of the department to cater holistically to all students | i. Increase the funding received from the government for PATH beneficiaries by working in tandem with Fr. Tulloch in soliciting assistance from parents at the various orientations at the beginning of the school year. As well as through sponsorship in cash and kind from other sources. ii. Assist with bus-fare and lunch for students other than those on PATH but in an organized manner and based on critical need. iii. To continue to assist with the breakfast programme by sharing gifts of food items received. iv. Prepare lunch Tuesdays & Thursdays for PATH students | a. PATH lunch programme continues. b. Scholarship/welfare assistance for needy students. |
2. To minimize the number of students on probation/at-risk This should commence at beginning of the school year, in Christmas term and Easter term | i. Create awareness in students to have a goal at beginning of term to improve performance. ii. Accomplished through parental involvement in development of sons – through parental workshop/meetings especially for at-risk students. iii. Work in collaboration with Dean’s office and Ms. Skyers and McLean to track students’ progress. iv. Emphasis on note-taking, effective study skills and behavior change. | a. At-risk students’ group therapy counseling begins September, 2017. b. First form parent meeting – talk to parent, dubbed “I am the Parent of a High School Child” c. Emphasis on first form students’ orientation to high school – “adjusting to new realities of my life” |
3. Implement a reward system that publicly acknowledges the students’ academic achievement and good character, culminating in the annual prize-giving. | i. Encourage students to strive for excellence and provide them with tangible rewards for their effort. ii. Teachers/supervisors/Vice principal are encouraged within their respective domains to identify students with exemplary behavior and pass on the information to the Guidance department. | a. Provide students with pins/badges that signifies exemplary behavior during the term b. Give an overall prize at the Lower School Award Ceremony. |
4. To have TWO parenting workshops per term for special parents. | i. To identify parents suspected of having weak parenting skills and empower them to developing strong skills. ii. To provide information on good parental skills and invite persons with requisite skills to interact with parents through workshop/seminars | a. To coincide with at-risk boys parent meeting as well as separate as the need and the capacity to accommodate permits b. This focus will be a feature in our Parent month Breakfast November 17, 2017 |
5. To create awareness in career exploration and assistance for preparation for the ‘World of Work’ for upper school students. | i. Introduce senior students (4th, 5th and 6th) to the requirements of such by acquiring certain documents. | a. ‘Preparation for World of Work’ Information Gathering Session. October 11, 2017. b. Government agencies to be present – NYS, TRN, HEART, JAMVAT, Bank, Versan/AIM |
6. To continue with Group Therapy for selected students – “Pull-out Programme” | i. To encourage students to re-focus on their educational pursuits by attacking negative social ills. ii. Reduce the number of students who may be excluded from the college because of drug related issues, lack of resources or peer pressure | a. Students will be included in a ‘help initiative’ implemented by Ms. Skyers and Ms. McLean b. Attend sessions with agencies/personnel such as Rise Life Management and other invited guest speakers. |
7. To assist students in Career exploration and decision-making. | i. Students will listen to various professionals in different and varied fields of work and together with their aptitude come to a decision on what career path to take in the future. | a. Third Form Career Exposition. March 12, 14 and 15, 2018 |
8. To encourage support for bereaved students and faculty members | i. The aim is for those who are grieving to vent feelings and to feel empathy from others. ii. Students will complete the form and submit to Guidance. iii. Form/ subject teachers to whom complaint is made should make students aware of and encourage them to seek help. | a. Guidance department to provide form and make them available |
9. To assist with Mentoring Programme of at-risk students and unruly groups | i. This will involve fathers, mothers, Old Boys and invited guests to be role models for students. ii. Peer Counsellors will assist with this by developing our senior students to become leaders through their involvement and care for others | a. Mrs. Whilby will coordinate this programme. Old Boys to assist. |
10. Gentleman’s Day | i. To provide the avenue for students to spend time with their fathers or a male influence. | a. To work in collaboration with Mrs. Sophia Gordon – second form supervisor. This will be a whole day event – third term |
We are available to help students…
Please contact the Guidance Office at 876-922-2707, to speak with one of department members, for more information.
Head of Guidance and Counseling– Mrs. E. Ffrench Ext. 249
School Counselor – J. Whilby Ext. 139
School Counselor – N. Bogle Ext. 266
School Counselor – L. Vernal Ext. 266