John M. Bourke … 100 Not Out!

A quiet Covid 19 Celebration for the STGC Ontario Centenarian.
On April 14th – John Bourke STGC – Class 0f 1938 celebrated his 100th Birthday quietly in Toronto.
John was in STGC media last year as one of those featured in their quest to find its oldest living Alumni.
His daughter Winsome deMercado advises it was difficult making this day special for him this year with all the covid-19 restrictions – They think however he had a good day.
He was thrilled with a morning police drive-by with their flashing lights & sirens.
In afternoon he enjoyed sitting at the front door & having neighbours, family & friends come by with birthday greetings from the road, side walk & lawn.
Later in the evening he celebrated with his son & his family (only 5 of them). They stayed on the back patio, while he stayed inside with his daughter & her household. They had a quick celebration with cake & bubbly and opened his son’s gifts. His son & family only stayed about 1.25 hours as the weather was fairly cool outside in the evening.
When they left he opened the remainder of his birthday gifts and cards & watched a video of 100th birthday wishes from some family & friends.
During the day he also enjoyed numerous phone, facetime calls & emails with birthday wishes.
Unfortunately, his daughter & her husband were not able to come from California.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to you John from your St George`s Family.
May God never stop showering you with His blessings. Happy Birthday, John.
From your Friends and Family here in Ontario and around the world!