Memorable Life Experience

The world was in shock and mourning on the passing in December 26, 2021 of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, after a lifetime fighting for the freedom of South Africa. What an outstanding human rights activist, and holder of numerous awards including the Gandi Peace prize and the Nobel Peace prize for his opposition to South Africa’s brutal apartheid regime.
This brought back memories of my own unforgettable meeting with this remarkable human being.
What an engaging personality and in greeting me, he made me feel, not as a stranger, but as if we were well acquainted; had known each other from childhood and had played marbles together.
This was at a special event hosted by the Royal Bank of Canada in Toronto and organized by The South African Women for Women. I was invited as a member of the bank’s Black Diversity Committee, formed and encouraged by them to develop a better understanding of the increased Black Community in Toronto and to foster more inclusivity and saw us becoming more involved with events in the Black community; Caribana, Harry Jerome Awards, John Brooks Foundation etc.
‘‘Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world’
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”
Well said and lets heed.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu- May he Rest in Peace.
Robbie Vernon