Message from the Principal 2022
- Posted by Admin
- Categories Principal's Message
- Date February 4, 2022

Greeting STGC Old Boys and Friends of St. George’s College,
We have resumed face-to-face classes! First to fourth form students attend school every other day and have online classes on alternate days. Fifth and sixth form students attend every day.
Students are responding well to the return to physical classes, and we are conducting remediation interventions with those who have fallen behind academically. Through the generosity of our stakeholders and friends, we were able to provide them with additional technology, having created over 50 new computer work stations, and three new AV rooms and other computer stations. The completion of the WiFi project has been delayed by the vendor’s supply-chain disruptions, but we are hopeful to have the project completed by mid-March.
Sporting events are resuming slowly. Though the students have not had the training necessary to perform at the top of their game in all sports, we feel that it is important for them to have the opportunity to compete. Our Schools’ Challenge Quiz team advanced to the second round of the competition but, despite playing well, were defeated by Cornwall College. The team consisted of two 2nd form students, one 3rd form student, and a 5th form student so we look forward to a stronger team next year.
Eight of our students placed on the 2021 CXC Regional Merit list.
- Tourism U1 – Krisann Spike – 8th
- BMED U1 – Raheim Bernard – 8th
- Electrical U1 – Raheim Bernard – 2nd, George Henry – 5th, Tyrese Clarke – 6th, Dallon Douglas – 8th
- French – Malcolm-Jamal Newland 7th
- Zhacri Wright – Industrial – 2nd
The CSEC awardees both placed first in Jamaica. We are especially proud of the excellence that they have achieved, in light of the challenges of sitting the examinations in the midst of a pandemic.
In January 2022, The Jamaica Education Transformation Commission (JTEC) released The Reform of Education in Jamaica, 2021 report. Concerns were expressed by stakeholders at the ranking of St. George’s College as 29th of 42 traditional high schools. Of note is that the report is the result of a longitudinal study, and the data used for the ranking spanned the period 2001 to 2018, which includes a period of significant underperformance for the College from 2001 to 2004. Since 2004 however, performance has improved steadily. In our most recent inspection report in 2018, we were ranked exceptionally high, the highest level awarded to schools. In 2020 our average CSEC and CAPE passes were each greater than 90%. Performance in 2021 was impacted by the absence of face-to-face classes. For that year, CAPE performance was steady, exceeding 90%. The CSEC overall percentage pass fell to approximately 85%. We are confident that we will recover lost ground in the short term.
We are grateful for your ongoing support as we shape the next generation of outstanding Georgians.
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