Click for Health Activities and Events
Please call the school nurse to discuss any medical conditions or concerns. It is important that you notify the school nurse immediately of any medical changes during the school year. If your child has an allergy and/or asthma and uses an EpiPen and/or inhaler it is required that they carry these medications on them at all times. This includes before, during and after school activities, sports games and practices, field trips, retreats, and any other school event. Please be sure all allergy and/or asthma forms are complete and any changes are updated with the school nurse immediately.
These forms are mandatory and must be updated every school year before the start of school. There are links posted for your convenience with all necessary forms. Please make note of expiration dates and replace medication before it expires. Please contact the school nurse at 922-2707 Ext. 238 or smith.kamara27@gmail.com.
“The greatest wealth is health.” –
To download the complete 2017-2018 health forms and medical policy, click on the links below.
Student Illness Protocol
A contagious illness like strep throat (until they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours).
A rash or skin condition not diagnosed by a doctor.
A fever that causes chills, sweating or muscle aches.
Temperature over 100.4 within the past 24 hours.
Vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours.
Red or pink eyes or drainage from eyes (until the day after treatment begins).
Please remember that the best way to prevent the spread of infection is good hand washing.