THIRTY YEARS LIVING IN AFRICA- The ‘Butch’ Chen Experience

Lascelles ‘Butch’ Chen has been living in Africa for the past thirty years. Originally from Mandeville, Manchester, he graduated from St. George’s College in 1974. He represented the school in football at the Colt’s level and from an early age was very interested in African history and culture. He would go on to the University of the West indies where he completed a degree in Business.

He made a first visit to Kenya in 1986 but made a definitive move with his family in 1989. He has lived in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and now Tanzania. He works in the Banking and Financing industry.
What’s It Like Being a Jamaican Living in Tanzania?In our “Jamaicans to the World” Facebook Live show, founder Xavier Murphy speaks to Iascelles Chen. He is a Jamaican living in Tanzania. #WeJam… |
In this interview with Xavier Murphy of, Butch Chen explores his experience in adjusting to a new life, the strong community tradition in Africa, the food, things to experience and how Jamaicans are viewed in Africa. Finally, he advises that anyone seriously thinking of living in Africa should research thoroughly and choose a country where the language is compatible. Communication is vital in such a situation. It is a very interesting interview.